New York Office:
145 North Main Street
Mechanicville, NY 12118
518.664.5988 • fax: 518.664.1220

North Carolina Office:
3138 Wrightsville Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28403
phone: 910.763.4414 • fax: 910.763.4415


A note from the directors of

Children at Heart -
Janice and Mark Bergeron

Children At Heart is a Hague accredited, 501(c)(3) non-profit international adoption agency, founded in 1995. We are approved in the state of NY and licensed in the state of NC to facilitate international adoptions for all US citizens living in any state, or abroad. We also provide home study, post-placement, and post-adoption services for NY and NC residents. Children At Heart is a member of JCICS.

Why Children At Heart was started...

While adopting our daughter in February of 1994, we witnessed the plight of the children we had to leave behind in the orphanage. The haunting images of the orphans replayed in our minds as we contemplated how to help them. Knowing that we could not adopt all of the world's orphaned children pointed us toward creating our own adoption agency. Our goal is to find loving families for these orphaned children and to provide humanitarian assistance to those children who are not adopted.


Our mission...

To find families for orphaned children. No child should be denied the opportunity to have a loving home and family.

• To assist orphanages with humanitarian assistance (food, medical supplies, clothing and toys) to help care for the children who are tragically left behind.

• To bring children to the United States for medical care which can not be afforded them by their own country.

• To find grants and funds to place in trust which will generate low interest loans for prospective parents.


What makes us different...

Since we have adopted five children ourselves, we know what it is like to go through the adoption process - before, during and after.  We help our adoptive parents through every step of the paperwork process. We are just an office visit, phone call, or e-mail away. We want our adoptive parents to feel comfortable contacting us with any questions or concerns they might have - it is extremely important to us that the lines of communication are always open. If two weeks go by that we haven't heard from our adoptive parents, we will check in with them to make sure things are still going smoothly. Contact us any time you feel you have a need.

We are a small, family-run agency, with a total of four employees in the US - Janice and Mark are the directors, and Kathy and Erica are the assistant directors. We each read every email that is sent to the office, and discuss every phone call that we receive. We have weekly meetings to go over the status of all of our pending adoptions, which allows each of us to get to know all of our adoptive parents on a first-name basis.  We are here to give you all the direction, support and post-adoption support that you need.

 When traveling, you are only alone while on public air transportation, and in your hotel - or when you choose to venture out and about to explore. Our network of facilitators, interpreters and drivers are there to serve you throughout the entire adoption process, from the time you arrive overseas, until the time you come back home with your child(ren).  We contact you by phone while you are overseas to check on your progress and to relay information from family members back home and vice versa. We are truly concerned that you are comfortable with the level of service we provide and that the adoption process is going smoothly. On many occasions, Mark has traveled with the adoptive couples.

 We try to help you locate funding to ease the financial burden of adopting.  Our network of families are always willing to assist with any questions you might have; before, during or after the adoption.

  We have placed infants, toddlers, children to age 12, siblings, as well as handicapped children (minor to severely handicapped).

 Our humanitarian effort to supply orphanages, children's homes and children's wards and hospitals with food, medicine, medical supplies, clothing, toys, etc. is equal to our effort to locate qualified parents for the orphaned children.

Adoption programs...

Presently we are facilitating adoptions from Kazakhstan and Poland, and we are working on a partnership with Illien Adoptions International in GA to help families adopt from Ethiopia.  Check our web site for updates on these programs, as well as our program in Nepal.